The article I chose was “Why is Beauty so Important” by Christina Sarich
This article talked about points of beauty and how it influences the way we think. For example, Sarich stated the fact people also assume attractive people have a good personality as well. Our idea of beauty is usually culture based. The article also talked about beauty in nature and how we must align with beauty. In my essay, I plan on explaining beauty in a scientific/psychological way. I will use the articles by Armstrong and Sarich to agree or disagree with my argument. I will also use two podcasts as examples to my arguments.
I am not completely sure which podcasts I want to use in my essay, but I found Terry and Alex, and Olivia and Emily’s podcasts to be very interesting. Terry and Alex interviewed a man with a very interesting and unique outlook on beauty. He feels that everyone has their own personal definition of beauty and being beautiful is simply being comfortable in your own skin. He proposed a new idea for me and I think it is something that is important to live by. Olivia and Emily also interviewed someone with a unique experience. The women in the interview talked about the time her class of students read personal essays to the class. She conveyed a lot of emotion just by talking about what some of the kids went through. I think true beauty is emotional and moving, much like this women described.
I really like the way you are going to use, “Why is Beauty so Important?” in your essay. Psychology is such an interesting science and you can definitely look at beauty in a very deep way by using a psychological perspective. I liked your choices of podcasts, I also picked Olivia and Emily’s for similar reasons. I think theirs is a good choice for your essay because the podcast talks a lot about those kids’ experiences so that will add more to the ‘psychology of beauty’ so to speak. I also agree that Terry and Alex’s was particularly moving so I’m sure you’ll have a lot to go off of for that podcast as well. I personally chose Taylor Fowler’s podcast as my second podcast because of the nature aspect, so that would be my only suggestion for you. Other than that, I really like your ideas for your essay and I am sure it will be great!
Jamie, Thanks for liking my podcast! I too think Will posed new ideas to a very sensitive subject that people can learn from. I also liked Olivia and Emily’s podcast because it was another moving one with a lot to gather from. I chose to do Peters because it was less about the heart and more about finding beauty in practicality, and I think that is an important skill. As for your article, it seems very interesting. I think that aligning yourself with beauty isn’t quite the way to go, because often breaking off from the social desirability effect of beauty can expand our understanding of the world. This being said, I see where they’re coming from, and I’ll be interested to read your paper.