- Look at your food diary. Have you calculated how many grams of protein, carbohydrate, and lipid are recommended for you each day?
It is recommended that I consume 110 grams of protein, 275 grams of carbohydrates, and 73 grams of lipid/fat every day to reach my goal.
- For each category, answer this question: On average, did you eat more than your recommended amount, less, or just about the right amount?
In general, I ate more than my recommended amount of calories each day. Some days I consumed more carbs than my recommended amount and some days I consumed less. On average, I had a lower carbohydrate intake than recommended. By looking at my food diary entries, it is clear that I consumed more fats than recommended on a daily basis. Overall, I consumed more protein than recommended as well.
- Looking at the CLASS DATA, what conclusions can you draw about the nutritional value of the meals/snack this group of students is consuming?
By looking at the class data, you can see that many students are not getting enough calories and nutrients each day. This could mean that because students are busy and are unable to find time to eat real food and healthy meals. Much of the dining hall food is tasteless so students may not be eating enough food to reach their daily nutrients.
- Assuming the majority of the food consumed is from the Commons dining hall and/or other venues on campus, what suggestions do you have for the food service managers.
Food should be filled with more nutrients that students need to stay healthy and energized such as protein, carbs, and lipids. The food should be filled with more flavor so students will have motivation to eat the food. It would also be convenient for many of the food venues to have quick, on-the-go food for students to be able to eat in between classes. Quick breakfast foods such as muffins, bagels, and sandwiches should be available to grab-and-go in the morning. Many students have 8am classes which makes it difficult to eat breakfast and receive the nutrients they need to start the day.
- What spices do you wish were available in the dining hall? Are there nutrients in spices?
Many spices are beneficial to our health and also adds flavor to food. Spices are typically all natural and can act as natural remedies for common illnesses. I would like it if the dining hall provided spices such as cinnamon, chili powder, and other commonly used spices.