Although larger amounts of cash may seem to be of more use than a few cents, the small amounts of cash adds up when more people are willing to donate. For example, the Ronald McDonald House strives to...Read More
Before: Art adds much beauty to the world, yet people still question if it is useful or simply a waste of time. Rhys Southan asked this very same question in attempt to understand the EA’s views. Ef...Read More
While reading Anne Lamott’s “shitty first drafts”, I naturally compared her writing process to my own. I’ve actually read this essay in a previous class, so I’ve already ...Read More
While reading other peoples essays and peer reviewing, I gained a greater understanding of their opinions. Although we generally shared the same opinion on “is art a waste of time”, I got ...Read More
I believe art is a very powerful and influential thing, but there may be limits. In the ted talk “How can public art projects transform rough neighborhoods?” by Dre Urhahn, both of these a...Read More
After rereading the essay by Southan, my opinion didn’t really change, but my view on the points made did. I still appreciate art and believe that there is a purpose to everything people do. Dur...Read More
The main idea of the passage was that helping less fortunate people should be our top priority. The EA felt that art is useless and a waste of time when there are people in the world that need help. O...Read More