The Nature of Science by E.O. Wilson
Questions to answer before watching this video
- Q: In what ways do you see yourself as a writer? Are you a poet? A journalist? A blogger? What style of writing is most familiar and comfortable for you?
- A: All of the writing I do is usually for the classes I take. I am comfortable with writing essays in response to readings and thought provoking prompts. I also enjoy writing for open ended discussion questions. I don’t always enjoy writing for lengthy assignments, but overall I have become very comfortable with it.
- Q: What is your impression of scientific writing?
- A: Scientific writing, in my opinion, is typically difficult to understand. Since it is based all on facts, evidence, and scientific terms, it can sometimes be a challenge to fully understand what I am reading. It is necessary to search the definitions of scientific terms to better grasp the material.
Answer this question after you watch the video
- Q: How do Wilson’s ideas fit with your experience or ideas about scientific writing?
- A: Overall, Wilson discussed writing and science mostly how I view. When writing for scientific purposes, it is important to keep it very factual, clear, and to leave out any personal opinions.
- Q: What if anything surprised you about Wilson’s description of scientists, and their emotions and values as they fit into the process of science?
- A: I understand that scientists are always thinking of new ideas. It surprised me when he described them as poets and emotional. Scientists are generally seen as completely logical and straight forward, but when it comes to their work, they may be seen as emotional and passionate.